Word Lesson: Bb for banana, broccoli, bean, brussel sprouts
Any Johnny Appleseed book
Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
Vegetables ISBN 9781404242654
From Seed to Plant ISBN 0516216821
Potatoes ISBN 1560654511
Taking Root ISBN 0516215914
Vegetables ISBN 1432901427
Fruits ISBN 1432901435
The Fruit Group ISBN 0736853707
Individual food groups are 641.36 at the library
Fruit/Vegie Diary
Identify food groups review
Potato Stamps (cut potato in half, cut out shape of choice. stamp paper.)
Where Food Grows
# Sing the Happy Food Song and insert the name of one of the Food Models at the appropriate spot. Have the child with the Food Model hold it up for all to see. Have the rest of the group sing and perform the activity. For example:
If there's fruit and you know it, stomp your feet,
If there's fruit and you know it, stomp you feet,
If you're fruit and you know it, hold your food card up and show us,
If there's fruit and you know it, stomp you feet.
# Substitute "jump up and down," "touch your toes," "nod your head," and other activities that use large motor skills for "stomp your feet." Feel free to improvise with other actions and gestures.
Snack: applesauce and carrot sticks
In addition to all the wonderful books we read and great activities we also made applesauce this week and tried a new recipe with eggplant. Both fun and yummy fruit and vegetable learning activities.
We spent both days this week on these various activities, books, and lessons. I had planned to take my son with a small group of friends to a local grocery store for a tour, but was unable to find a place here that does one. If you live in Texas you're fortunate because HEB has a wonderful tour they do that we participated in last year. It was a blast. Call around to your local stores and see if any place does one.